Saturday, June 25, 2016

Benefits of Honey for Wound

This scientific fact has also been confirmed by scientists who have conducted research on honey for treating various kinds of diseases such as cataracts, diseases, skin diseases and various types of other diseases. 

Likewise for treating wounds, honey is very effective for treating skin wounds one on the types of burns. According to the results of research undertaken at the University of Waikoto, New Zealand revealed that honey contains a natural antibiotic substances are very powerful to prevent the invasion of germs and bacteria that can cause an infection in the wound.

In the honey contains:
  • Sugar is composed of as much as 41% fructose, sucrose 1.9% and 35% glucose.
  • Water: In the stored honey moisture content of less than 18%. The water content in honey can be stored in a long time, but you do not have to worry about the fermentation process.
  • Calories: In every 1 kg of honey contains 3280 calories which is equivalent to 50 chicken eggs, 1.68 kg of meat, 5.7 liters of milk, 40 oranges, 25 bananas and 4 kg of potatoes.
  • Enzymes: In the honey contains a lot of kinds of enzymes such as catalase, protease, invertase, diastase and peroxidase. One of them is capable of changing the catalase enzyme hydrogen peroxidase as an antibacterial.
  • Hormones: One type of hormone that is contained in honey hormone gonadotropin. This hormone can be used to stimulate the sexual glands.
  • Amino acids: Honey also contains amino acids consisting of proline, phenilalanin, gluetamin and aspartic acid.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Honey contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B, C, D, E and vitamin K. The minerals contained in honey is made up of calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, copper, phosphorus and there are many more.

What are the benefits of honey in treating wounds?

The following information!

  • Honey can prevent inflammation characterized by reduced pain and swelling of the wound and the wound will become dry quickly. This is because honey contains a fairly high osmolarity, so as to absorb liquid on the wound and also can improve circulation and exchange of air in the wound area.
  • Honey can clean the wound by lifting dead skin tissue around the wound smeared honey.
  • Honey can provide an antibacterial effect and also antioxidants, which can help inhibit the effects of free radicals and reduces tissue damage. In addition, honey also contains other substances such as hydrogen peroxide is effective in killing germs and bacteria.
  • Accelerate the healing process by stimulating white blood cells.
  • Honey has a very low acidity, so as to inhibit the growth of bacteria that thrive around the wound.

By knowing the benefits of honey, then immediately apply the honey if you hurt either due to a fall, cut herself or cause other injuries. That is a brief description of the benefits of honey for wounds that we can say, I hope the above information can be useful for you all.

