Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pressure Cooker Steak (D�d�kl�de Biftek)

Another family favorite. Growing up I wasn't an enthusiastic red meat eater but I would never resist pressure cooker steak. It is always tender delicious with green pepper and oregano flavor. Usually my mom prepares the dish according to the ingredients I list below. However, once in a while she uses grated tomatoes in stead of sliced ones and adds 1 tbsp of tomato paste.
for four
4 steaks, cut ~1/4 inch thick
3 potatoes, peeled and thickly sliced
3-4 tomatoes, thickly sliced
4-6 green chilies, banana peppers (I used anaheims), seeded
1 tsp oregano leaf
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp olive oil

-Place steaks at the bottom of the pressure cooker; it's ok if they overlap.
-Place potato slices on steaks.
-Cover all with tomato slices.
-Put green peppers on top.
-Sprinkle salt, oregano leaf and black pepper.
-Pour 1 tbsp olive oil.
-Pour water to barely cover steaks and vegetables.
-Cover and pressure cook on meat or high setting on medium to low heat for 20-25 minutes. If you have not-so-good-cut of steak, cook for 30 minutes.
-Serve with rice and/or crusty bread.

Do not let the simplicity of pressure cooker steak mislead you; oregano is the key ingredient.
This recipe is my contribution to Weekend Herb Blogging founded by Kalyn. WHB is hosted by Ahn of Food Lover's Journey.

